29 March, 2011

Schnitzel and Road Signs

I have finally been in Berlin for a month, and for the first time something is ending. Two things, really. We only have a week and a half left of our Sprachpraktikum. But the biggest thing on my calendar right now is that on Saturday I have to move out of my guest family's house. Technically they only have to host me until the 1st, which is Friday, but Marion told me last Sunday that I am welcome to stay till Saturday if I want, which would be great.

This weekend was another good one, of course. Friday we celebrated the fact that our friends Michael and Chris have a place to live next month! They now have a roof over their heads but that is about it. They're working on getting furniture, Internet and electricity this week. Hopefully soon we won't have to use our cell phones as flashlights when we visit! (However my phone has an actual flashlight built in, no camera but it has a flashlight, so it's not that bad.) On Saturday I saw "The King's Speech" with my host parents, dubbed over in German. I thought it was very good and I was extremely excited by the fact that I could follow it. And that we rode bikes to get to the theater--I love how easy it is to live without using a car!

Sunday I went to Mass again at the Catholic church that is just around the corner from my house--literally, a fifteen second walk. Pretty awesome.

Sankt-Otto Kirche, after the 11am Mass

Then in the afternoon we made schnitzel (pork, breaded and fried) and French fries! It's a very German meal, and quite good.

HaJo, Ella, Simon and I about to enjoy our Schnitzel und Pommes-Frites!

Yesterday and today were fairly relaxed days. I did a little walking, took care of some errands in Zehlendorf, photographed the sign below (what do you think, Monica?), made some brownies, and just enjoyed living in  house with a German family. This month is my resting time, my soaking in the culture from the ground up month, my break before I start trying to fill every possible minute with a museum, concert, etc. And it's been very eye-opening, in many little ways. I'll share those later, because they deserve a post of their own.

I certainly want to watch out for those children.
 I don't know what is wrong with them but it's frightening!

1 comment:

  1. We had one of those flashlight phones in South Africa this summer! They are sweet (and very handy when the electricity goes off every night). And I still haven't seen the King's Speech, so I'm glad you had to go ahead and one-up me preemptively by seeing it in German :-P
